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Tesla Delays Cybertruck Production Again, This Time To Q1 2023

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Tesla delays Cybertruck production again, this time to Q1 2023

Tesla delays Cybertruck production again, this time to Q1 2023

Well, if you're the person that had "Not in 2022" in your local Tesla Cybertruck production betting pool, congratulations because you just won. Reuters confirmed on Thursday that Cybertruck production is being pushed back to early 2023, despite the company having previously stated that it'd get things started by the end of 2022.

Now, if you're the kind of person who regularly follows Tesla news (and you're reading this, so I assume you are), then this should register as no kind of surprise whatsoever. Tesla is famous for missing its own deadlines, and that's generally the case even with cars that don't look like a rejected design for the RV From Hell from the film Tango & Cash.

According to Reuters' source, the reason for Tesla's delay is that it wants to change the truck's features and functions to "make a compelling product as competition in the segment heats up." By competition in the segment, they are likely referring to the Ford F-150 Lightning, the Rivian R1T, the Hummer EV and the nuevo-Avalanche Silverado EV – none of which are shaped like H.R. Giger'sdoorstop.

The question now is whether or not Tesla will make this new deadline of the end of the first quarter of 2023 or if it will keep pushing back, as we've seen with the Roadster and the Semi. We'd ask Tesla for its take on the matter, but Tesla does not operate a public relations department to field requests for comment.

